An 11-year-old girl is hospitalised in Homa Bay County after being electrocuted on Saturday at Alum Beach, Kayoo West Sub-Location.
The Grade Four pupil was on her way to buy milk when she encountered loose wires from fallen electricity poles, following heavy rain.
She attempted to move the wires, but the shock threw her several metres, causing serious injuries.
Residents rushed her to Kandiege Level Four Hospital. Authorities have urged Kenya Power to repair the damaged poles.
Area Assistant Chief Alfred Mbara said the girl touched live wires, which had blocked her way.
“The girl was sent by her mother to buy milk. But she saw the wire blocking her way and decided to get hold of it to clear the way,” Mbara said.
"The electric shock threw her some metres away before she sustained injuries on various parts of the body,” the administrator added.
Residents rushed her to Kandiege Level Four Hospital.
Mbara said some electricity poles had fallen in the area and Kenya Power was taking long to rectify the situation.
“I urge Kenya Power to come and repair these poles because they are going to cause unprecedented damage here,” he said.
Fishermen in the area faulted Kenya Power for laxity.
Samuel Osendo, a fisherman, said they had reported the fallen poles to Kenya Power officers, yet no action had been taken.
“It has been a long time since these electricity poles fell here. But nothing has been done until now when damage has occurred. Sadly, the girl cannot go to school because of the known electric fault,” Osendo said.
West Karachuonyo MCA Samuel Lieta said the electricity fault should be rectified as soon as possible to prevent disaster.
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“I appeal to Kenya Power to listen to complaints from the public. Had they listened, this damage would not have occurred,” Lieta said.
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