From left: Dredge Masters Chief Operating Officer Dr. Samanjit Udumalagala and National Water CEO Eng. Julius Mugun during the signing of partnership deal in Nairobi.
National Water Harvesting and Storage Authority has signed a framework aimed at enhancing flood control through desilting of dams and dredging of rivers prone to floods.
The initiative, in partnership with Dredge Masters Kenya, targets rivers in Nyanza and western Kenya regions, where recurrent floods have displaced residents and damaged property.
The partnership comes even as the weatherman predicts an early start of long rains in March.
The collaboration will focus on planning, executing and managing water infrastructure projects to increase water storage capacities, restore river courses and mitigate the effects of floods.
National Water Chairman Symon Kimaru said the two parties would combine their expertise and resources in dredging operations, land reclamation, and specialised civil works.
"With the effects of climate change, there is a need to adopt the use of technology and comprehensive catchment-oriented approach to mitigate against effects of floods through enhanced partnerships and collaboration," said Kimaru.
Acting CEO Julius Mugun said sedimentation in rivers, especially River Nyando and River Nzoia, is a key cause of floods in the regions.
He said desilting would help restore natural water flow and ease the burden on communities along the riverbanks.
"Most dams, especially colonial dams, have silted, resulting in reduced storage capacity.
Kiserian Dam, for instance, now holds less than a million cubic meters of water, down from its original 1.2 million cubic meters," said Mugun.
Dredge Masters Group Chairman Joseph Agyapong said the firm would provide training to National Water personnel on modern dredging techniques and water infrastructure management.
"The agreement will pave the way for collaboration in rehabilitation and maintenance of existing water infrastructure to ensure long-term reliability," said Dredge Masters Managing Director Ansar Khan.
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