Asset company Watu is now banking on the installation of GPS trackers on motorbikes to combat rampant theft across the country.
The company said the initiative will also plays a key role in safeguarding the livelihoods of the boda boda riders in the country.
Speaking during the launch in Kisii County on March 25, 2025, Watu’s Head of Commercial, Chris Rumenda, said the initiative reflects a global trend of using technology to enhance transport security.
According to him, the bodaboda sector employs over 1.2 million people and is vital for urban mobility and rural connectivity.
He said project specifically targets current customers and those who have completed their motorbike loan repayments, with aim to strengthen their financial independence.
“Similar to most motorcycle-dependent African economies, Kenya's boda boda sector plays a vital role in urban mobility. Watu’s initiative to safeguard customers' assets mirrors global trends in leveraging technology to improve transport security and financial inclusion,” said Rumenda.
In conjunction with issuing over 70,000 uncollected logbooks, the GPS initiative also seeks to enhance customers' security and improve police response while disrupting cross-border syndicates in the Kenyan coastal region, including Mombasa, Kilifi and Taita Taveta.
Since its inception in 2015, Watu has financed over 500,000 motorbikes and provided financing for over 1.2 million smartphones in Kenya, solidifying its role in facilitating access to mobility and technology.
The initiative aligns with its commitment to supporting boda boda riders by securing their assets and providing essential services.
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