Kenyan authorities are intensifying efforts to assist Margaret Nduta, a Kenyan woman facing execution in Vietnam for alleged drug trafficking.
Nduta, who was arrested in July 2023 at Ho Chi Minh City Airport for smuggling over two kilograms of cocaine, is currently being held in Hoi Chi Minh Prison.
In a post on X, Foreign Affairs Principal Secretary Koris Singoei stated that while deeply distressed, Nduta is coping and has been treated humanely.
"Pleased to update that our team from Bangkok finally secured travel visas and made it to Hoi Chin Mihn Prison in Vietnam where Margaret Nduta is presently held.We can confirm that while deeply distressed, Margaret is coping and has been treated humanely," read the post.
According to Singoei, despite not being represented by counsel during her trial, an appeal has been filed, and it is set to be heard soon. I
However, in the meantime, the Kenyan government continues to explore all diplomatic avenues to resolve the matter.
Kenyans abroad are cautioned against getting involved in drug trafficking, and urged to avoid the dangerous and costly consequences of such illegal activities.
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