Another Kenyan police officer has been injured in the ongoing multinational security mission in Haiti.
According to officials, the officer who was shot and injured on Tuesday, March 19, while in an operation within Kenscoff, Belot area, is in stable condition.
Confirming the incident, Jack Ombaka, the missions’ spokesperson, said the injured officer was promptly evacuated to ASPEN Level 2 Hospital, where he is currently under medical attention.
“He is in stable condition and we are pursuing the gang behind the shooting,” said Ombaka.
The spokesperson, who seemed reluctant to divulge further details about the extent of the injury, assured the mission that it would pursue the gang involved.
However, at the time of this report's publication, police spokesperson Michael Muchiri revealed to The Standard that he had yet to receive official reports of the incident.
The unidentified police officer injured in the U.N.-backed Multinational Security Mission combating violent gangs in Haiti becomes the second Kenyan officer to be injured, following the death of Samuel Tompoi Kaetuai, who was killed in February, in the same area.
Kaetuai, who died of a single shot to his head, revealed by the autopsy, is expected to be buried today, at his rural home.
The burial is expected to be attended by top police officers and politicians.
Inspector General of Police, Douglas Kanja while leading a group of senior officers in visiting and condoling with the family and friends of Kaetuai eulogised him as a hero and ambassador who lost his life in the line of duty while defending global peace.
He further acknowledged that the officer was well-trained for the mission and that his death was a great loss to the National Police Service.
The officers visited the family at Naserian Village, Kajiado East Sub-County, and Kajiado County, to mourn his demise.
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