The Judiciary on Saturday, January 18, refuted claims of delays in Baby Pendo's case, citing lengthy legal procedures.
In a statement, Judiciary Spokesperson Paul Ndemo emphasized that several steps have been taken since the case was filed, with the plea-taking scheduled for January 29.
"The Judiciary has noted the concerns raised regarding alleged delays in resolving the Baby Samantha Pendo case. We are aware of the sensitivities surrounding this case and are committed to ensuring that it is heard fairly and concluded expeditiously," the statement read.
According to Ndemo, on February 14, 2019, Justice Omollo found the officers liable for Baby Pendo's death, directing the DPP to act on the findings of his ruling.
Following the directive, the DPP filed charges against the suspects in the High Court in October 2022, including charges of rape and murder.
However, before they could take a plea, Ndemo explained, the suspects filed a constitutional petition and sought the empanelment of a larger bench to hear their petition.
Their application for a larger bench was dismissed by Justice Kimondo in January 2024, who subsequently, dismissed the petition in July.
According to Ndemo, the ruling by Justice Kimondo paved the way for the plea-taking, now scheduled for January 29.
The statement follows a day after Baby Pendo's parents expressed their disappointment over delayed justice, seven years later.
In an interview with BBC, the couple shared that each postponement or minor development led to further disappointment in their search for justice, hoping that this year they would finally see it fulfilled.
Ndemo assured that the Judiciary remains committed to upholding the rule of law and ensuring the matter is heard and concluded expeditiously.
Samantha Pendo lost her life during police operations in Kisumu following the contested 2017 General Elections.
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