Two officials at the Nairobi County Government have been suspended.
This comes a week after County-owned trucks dumped garbage at the entrance of Kenya Power premises, Stima Plaza, allegedly over unpaid bills.
Appearing before the Administration and Internal Security committee on Monday morning, Sakaja has disclosed that James Sankale Lempaka and John Ntoiti have been suspended.
The two were Assistant Director Debt Management and Director Revenue Administration respectively, both on interim.
“If we do not agree then I will have no option but to go commercial. Because there is no way I will sweep under the rag debt owed to Nairobi County when all I get is Sakaja remove those dimples from the road. That is the potholes. How do I do it?” Sakaja has told the lawmakers.
“How will I do that if people are not paying their fair share? How will I pay them? Everyone needs to pay their fair share and especially the government,” he added.
The row between Kenya Power and Nairobi County began decades ago but things took a different turn when county staff disposed smelly garbage at the entrance of Stima Plaza, sparking a public uproar.
The row, reportedly stemmed from billions of unpaid debt accrued over the years.
Two days later, the Head of Public Service stepped in and oversaw talks that helped the two warrying parties resolve their differences.
The Governor has since condemned the act, apologized and vowed to use better conflict resolution mechanisms going forward.
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