President William Ruto has revealed a phone call that forced Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja to apologise over the dispute between the Nairobi City County and Kenya Power.
The dispute saw county garbage trucks block access to Stima Plaza over an outstanding debt.
Speaking at Jesus Winner Ministry in Roysambu, Nairobi on Sunday, March 2, Ruto said the phone call prompted Sakaja to admit the county’s mistake.
"The other day they made a mistake, and I called him and others, and I told them, 'Listen, you must stop this matter.' I thank the governor for apologising because it was a mistake, and it takes a courageous leader to say, 'I am sorry,'" said Ruto.
The meeting brought together Sakaja, Energy Cabinet Secretary Opiyo Wandayi, and other senior officials.
In a statement, Sakaja said they had agreed on how to clear the outstanding debt.
“We have agreed to end the brawl, after we sat down, talked and agreed. Personally, I was not happy. The lorries were supposed to just block access to the building, which is something the law allows but not dumping garbage there. That is why the garbage was picked up shortly after,” said Sakaja.
The county removed the trucks and restored disrupted services, including water supply.
Hours earlier, Kenya Power and Kenya Power Pension Fund sued Nairobi County over the blockade, saying staff and tenants could not access the premises.
The dispute began on Monday, February 24, when county garbage trucks dumped waste outside Stima Plaza, leaving Kenya Power employees and tenants stranded.
County officials said the move was due to unpaid debts owed by Kenya Power.
Ruto said the government would collaborate with local leaders to transform Nairobi.
“Nairobi is the face of Kenya and can never be in a dirty place. It cannot be where children are not going to school. We must give the true face of Kenya using Nairobi and therefore we will work with the leaders of Nairobi, from Governor, MCAs to make sure it becomes the true face of Nairobi,” Ruto added.
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