The University Fund (UF) has challenged academicians and learning institutions to seek ways of effectively implementing a Student-Centred Funding Model.
According to the Fund, Universities were facing challenges that, if not addressed, will make it difficult for them to build the strong human capital required for the country’s prosperity.
This comes a couple of weeks after the High Court declared the new university funding model as unconstitutional, sparking anxiety among 246,000 students set to join universities in September.
According to the Fund Board Chairman Professor Karuti Kanyinga, Universities face several challenges, including failure to attract research grants and a clear funding model.
Karuti noted that if the challenges were not addressed, it would be difficult for universities to build a strong human capital required for the country’s prosperity.
“In our context, we face additional challenges on how to effectively implement the Student-Centred Funding Model,” he said.
The chairman added that many universities were not interlinked with industries while government ministries did not have strong ties with the universities.
“It is incumbent upon all of us to step forward and ensure that university reforms are successfully implemented and aligned with Kenya’s quest to build a solid human capital” he said.
He was speaking at the Lake Naivasha Resort at the end of a two-day Biennial Universities Funding Conference.
On her part, the PS for Higher Education Dr Beatrice Muganda admitted that Universities continued to experience financial challenges, noting that the debts had risen from Sh60B to Sh72B currently.
“Efforts are being made to clear these pending bills and many universities have managed to set aside some money and continuously resolve the issues of debtors,” she said.
Kitutu Masaba MP Clive Ombane noted that the funding model had challenges that needed to be addressed, adding that the court case had raised anxiety among students and parents.
“Though the model has challenges, it also has positives as we have seen funding to universities double in the last two years,” said the Mp who is a member of the parliamentary committee on education.
This was echoed by Siaya Women Rep Dr Christine Ombeke who called on the government to abide by the law even as the funding crisis in the university deepened.
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“The new funding model has done well and has supported hundreds of students before the court ruling and the government should not look for an alternative system,” she said.
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