Three people were killed in an early morning road accident at Musingu Market Centre near Sigalagala National Polytechnic in Shinyalu Constituency, Kakamega County.
Shinyalu sub-County acting OCPD Masai Kamau said the driver of the pickup, who was under the influence of alcohol, was speeding when he lost control and hit a female pedestrian before crashing into two men on a motorbike.
The three died on the spot.
“Early this morning, we had a grisly road accident where the driver of a pickup hit a woman before veering off and colliding with an oncoming motorbike carrying two people, killing them on the spoy,” said Kamau.
He stated that the driver fled the scene and sought refuge at Malinya Police Station, prompting irate residents to set the vehicle ablaze.
“The young men on the motorbike were aged 24 and 23. The driver, however, managed to escape the scene and from the angry residents who were baying for his blood, seeking refuge at Malinya Police Station, where we are processing him before arraignment,” said Kamau.
He added, “Based on our investigations, the driver was intoxicated, which was the primary cause of this fatal accident.” Kamau further noted that the driver was uninjured.
“I urge road users to observe traffic regulations and adhere to the required speed limits, especially in market centres. Drivers should not operate under the influence of alcohol, particularly during this period of heavy rainfall, which hampers visibility on our roads,” said Kamau.
Residents led by Kelvin Adambi urged the relevant authorities to erect enough bumps and clear markings on the road, especially at market centres and public institutions.
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