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Juma added that Latiff informed the DCI that he was alerted by some of the previous guests who informed him that a person claiming to be him contacted them on WhatsApp using an Airtel subscriber number soliciting for handouts.
"That the guests referred to are prominent personalities from leading political organisations, prominent business persons and senior government officials who were hosted by the complainant between November 2023 and April 2024," stated Juma in an affidavit.
According to the officer, Latiff shared the mobile numbers of the accused person used for analysing by detectives from Crime Research and Intelligence Bureau domiciled at the DCI headquarters leading to his unmasking and establishing his true identity.
Gacheru was arrested on June 8, 2024 at an apartment within Zambezi area in Kikuyu, Kiambu County and upon a search at the house, two mobile phones were recovered.
"Preliminary investigations established that the two mobile phones have subscriber numbers used in commission of the crimes," stated Juma.
Juma requested the accused be detained for seven days because he is able to interfere with ongoing investigations adding that he is a flight risk since his official residence is unknown.
The court will make a ruling on today.