Jane Muga, a local egg supplier in Kisumu, said she opted to get aggregate supplies from local farmers within the city to cut cost and provide a ready market for them.
Mr Steve Sande who manages a local poultry farm, said egg prices in Kisumu are determined by the flow of eggs from Uganda.
"When Ugandan eggs flood the market, definitely, the prices go down here, and when they are scarce, the prices increase," said Sande.
Rose Atieno, a mother of four, said eggs have always been a better and cheaper alternative for herself and family. She said the shortage had hit them hard.
Last year, poultry farmers were paying Sh2,700 for a 50kg bag of feed, a price that has increased to Sh3,300.
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Backtrace |
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Backtrace |
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select * from article_categories where id = '16'
Backtrace |
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