Mandera Governor Ali Roba has called for immediate removal of Jubaland forces in his county.
Speaking in Nairobi yesterday flanked by Mandera County leadership, Roba said the forces are still patrolling the border town of the county.
This comes even as President Uhuru Kenyatta issued a statement asking the Somali forces to desist from unwarranted provocations at the border point. This week, the President chaired a special session of the National Security Council (NSC) to discuss the onslaught on Kenya’s territorial integrity.
Yesterday, the governor called on the government to play its mandate in protecting its citizens.
“In the absence of any meaningful engagement by national security managers with the leaders, we are left in a situation where the public has no guidance from their leaders and the National Government,’’ said Roba.
There have been a major fallout between officials of the Regional Government of Jubaland and the Federal Government of Somalia.
The infighting between the two forces was recorded on Monday after a heavy fire exchange between the two forces that has spilled into the Kenyan boarders.
The governor accused the government of not playing its role and called for immediate removal of Somali forces in the country.
Roba said in the Monday clash, 12 people were injured while one succumbed to injuries in hospital.
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