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The event held at Safari Park Hotel on May 30, saw university student leaders from two private institutions scoope three positions leaving only two for the public ones.
However, some of the participants in the contest argued that there was nothing to be proud of since it was handled unfairly.
Cecil Omondi, University of Eldoret students’ president, said he was not amused. “We were not shocked at all. I, personally, saw one of the winners come along with her parents meaning that she was aware that she was going to be awarded. I am not contended with the criteria used,” Omondi said. Edward Kalya and Joseph Kinara from University of Eastern Africa Baraton, Martin Owila former Mount Kenya University (MKU) students’ president, Brightstar Kasyoki from Maseno University and Lilian Muli from Laikipia University were awarded as the best among the rest.
According to AYLF, the programme is meant to recognize the efforts student leaders put to help comrades and communities around them.
“We first trained the leaders on Trust edge then we furthered the training on pointman leadership before asking them to submit their projects for verification,” Gabriel Achayo said
He added: “We even went ahead to move to those institutions to prove by ourselves. It was fair.”
Campus Vibe managed to speak to Lilian Muli, a third year Arts and Communication student and one of the program’s award winners, on her progress in matters University leadership.
Tell us about your Hidden Tears project, how did it impact comrades and the community?
I started a Youtube account where I post videos on different topics that relate to bold life issues affecting the comrades and the community at large.
Do you work alone or you have friends you work within your organization?
I have friends who chip in to her in counseling and ensuring that the organization’s programme are moving as scheduled. Fortunately, they are volunteers. We also boost their talents since we ask how best one can contribute to the organisation.
As a Laikipia University student leader, what incredible thing do you think comrades will remember you for?
They will remember me for being the voice of the voiceless through speaking of the topics that rarely mentioned by the tongues of many like the rape incidences.
What is your next plan having won the award?
I want to make my organization a big one to ensure that many people benefit from it apart from those around Laikipia University.
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