Residents of two villages in Msambweni sub-county have vowed to resist plans by a sugar company to evict them from a 42-acre parcel of land.
Vidziyani and Nyumbani Kumi residents said the company wanted to take over land in several villages to plant sugarcane.
"In the past, the company has burnt our houses and destroyed crops and other property. We have also lost livestock in their efforts to kick us out. The company has caused us a lot of suffering over the last eight years. We want them to know we will not move an inch," said Tawfiq Ahmed, one of the residents.
Speaking after a stormy meeting to discuss the matter on Saturday, Mr Ahmed called on the county and national governments to intervene to keep the sugar miller off their farms.
"This is our land. We will not allow anyone to take it. We'd rather die than give it up," said Kassim Bagaza.
Ayub Chembea said they would continue to use legal means to stop the planned evictions.
This came as Governor Salim Mvurya and his deputy Fatuma Achani met County Commissioner Karuku Ngumo and agreed there should be no evictions.
Mr Mvurya and Ms Achani later visited the villagers and assured them that they would not be evicted.
"The county commissioner confirmed there is a court order to evict you but only a letter from the National Land Commission can effect that," Mvurya said.
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1 x Application (98.77%) | 1.23s |
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