More than 437 staff from the county government of Machakos have been directed to proceed to immediate compulsory leave until they are recalled.
Governor Alfred Mutua said the decision was informed to carry out an independent audit of the sustainability of staff, financial systems and operations of the county.
''The objective is to ensure that going forward Wananchi get value for monies that has been entrusted on us.''said Mutua .
He explained this was a way of enhancing efficiency and ensuring that cartels are flashed out in an effort to bring accountability and integrity.
''This is part of a comprehensive radical surgery informed by my interactions with ''Wananchi'' during the just concluded campaigns.” said the Govenor.
He said this was among many announcements that will be geared towards ensuring that his government delivers services in a transparent and efficient manner.
In a statement that was posted in his Facebook account he said some of the staff that had been affected were from the departments of finance, procurement, accounts, auditors, directors among many others.
This comes as the governor was sworn in on Thursday after he won the Machakos gubernatorial race with 249 ,603 votes trouncing his closest rival Wavinya Ndeti who garnered a total of 203,141 votes .
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1 x Application (98.86%) | 1.23s |
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Backtrace |
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Backtrace |
select * from article_categories where id = '13'
Backtrace |
select * from article_categories where id = '13'
Backtrace |
select * from article_categories where id = '13'
Backtrace |
select * from article_categories where id = '13'
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