Kenya National Highways Authority (KeNHA) has signed a deal on construction of an express highway from Nairobi to Mombasa.
The deal was signed between KeNHA and Bechtel International of San-Francisco with financing being sought from export credit agencies in the United States of America.
KeNHA Director General Peter Mundinia said the signing had opened doors for the next stage of mobilising funds, with the project set to kick off in 2018.
“Bechtel has been selected to build the first high-speed express way in Kenya. The new 473-kilometre route will vastly improve the connectivity, efficiency and safety of road between Nairobi and the country’s main seaport of Mombasa,” he said.
The special road will have controlled access designed with speeds of 120 kilometres per hour, reducing travel time between Nairobi and Mombasa from the current 10 hours to four hours.
Mr Mundinia said this was majorly to complement the growth of industries including building of three economic zones along the road.
‘’The high-speed express way will have four lanes with provision for future increase to six lanes and 19 interchanges,’’ he said.
“It is projected that the 473km highway will be completed in ten sections within the next six years,” said Mundinia.
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