Let President Uhuru Kenyatta be

#WhatWouldMagufuliDo? Yes! He has done it all; cancelled national functions, fired holders of public office in an instant, cut budgets of parliament and distributed cash to other factors such as health. That is, Supported Muhimbili Hospital.

He did all these within the first few weeks while in office and he received accolades from both local and international media.

This reminds me of the days when one of our former presidents was in power and many of our countrymen were fed up with him for his roadside declarations on hiring and firing. 

The clamor for a new constitution that was promulgated in August 2010 was to bring change, accountability and justice to all.

Dare our president fire someone today, there will be 1001 court cases and injunctions preventing him from firing the said people till their cases are heard and determined; Case in point, Kaindi. Is this the case with Tanzania?


Did he allocate any funds to the hospital that did not have beds prior to him sacking the employees who were being held hostage by circumstances of the previous regime?

Did he give those employees room to give an account of the sorry state of the dockets they held?

Were those fired given a change to defend themselves?

Does his action confirm to Tanzanians that his predecessors and party was tolerating corruption? Is this vindication that CCM is corrupt?

For heaven’s sake, why nominate a former minister of Energy who resigned due to corruption back to cabinet. Yet he is fighting corruption?

Back to Kenya;

In Kenya the rule of law prevents our president from doing certain things since we have a constitution that is entrenched in various institutions which are supposed to perform certain tasks.

The media and opposition in this country have led a campaign advocating for the president to adopt the style of leadership that Magufuli adopted.

We all forget that “Nguo ya kuazima haisitiri matako”

We have a constitution that many in the opposition take pride in as what they fought for year after year to attain.

However, what Magufuli would do would erode gains brought by the new constitution and infringe on the rights of the citizens.

So who is fooling who? Our media nowadays is an extension or the mouth piece of certain individuals since we never seem to get the side of the media on any issue in the country.

Our fourth estate should hold itself to a certain standard of being fair, frank and fearless in its reporting, going deeper than what meets the eye in order to uncover the truth.

Today, the government says this, tomorrow the opposition says this and the citizen is left to accept what they perceive to be the truth depending on which side they support.

The media seems to have fallen to the mantra that bad news makes for good press. I remember the media standing tall with other Kenyans to Condemn CNN which referred to Kenya as a “hotbed of terror”.

The Kenyan Media stood to correct the world about Kenya but they cannot stand with Kenyans to uncover the truth about all these alleged scandals that we have.

When we dent our image out there in the world, all Kenyans lose from the lost opportunities caused by negative publicity.

The media has lost credibility in my eyes and a lot needs to be done to revive its dented image.

Finally on politics, government and opposition, we all know that this is a game of numbers and who will have the majority come 2017 (Democracy).

It’s the work of the opposition to put the government on its toes while the government is there to make people want to re-elect it in the coming elections.

Our Justice Systems works on the assumption of innocence until proven guilty and the accuser has to provide evidence before a court of law in order for the accused to be proven guilty or innocent.

We have currently adopted a system where the accuser cries wolf and it’s up to the accused to prove himself innocent… where are we heading?