Meet the talented comedian who is a top performer in class

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Just mention the name Openda in Kenyatta University and you will be told endless tales of a thespian whose dramatic antics in acting have made him a household name. The fourth year English and Literature student, despite dramatizing and joking his way to fame, is still a top performer in his class and a lecturers’ “my student”.

The 22-year-old despite bagging a couple of awards for his TV drama (Hapa Kule News) role, is humble to fault. Pheny Oketch, a colleague student admits that he is the kind of person whom success hasn’t gotten into his head or heart. “He is perhaps the humblest thespian I know”, she says.

Donald has been acting in various plays by the popular Kenyatta University Traveling Theatre from his first year in campus, where his following may have grown from.

Going by the pseudonym Dr. Chrisantus Nyachio on stage, Donald has curved a unique niche for himself as a talented actor, comedian and top performer in class.

He says that much as he tries to balance class work and acting, it has been a challenge. “It is purely by God’s grace that I have come this far. Otherwise, singewesmek!”.