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1 x Application (90.31%) | 744ms |
1 x Booting (9.69%) | 79.83ms |
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select `articles`.`id`, `articles`.`published_at`, `articles`.`title`, `articles`.`article_category_id`, `articles`.`summary`, `articles`.`thumbnail_url`, `premium`, `story`, `article_categories`.`name` as `categoryname`, `articles`.`site_id` from `articles` inner join `article_authors` on `articles`.`id` = `article_authors`.`article_id` inner join `article_categories` on `article_categories`.`id` = `articles`.`article_category_id` where `article_authors`.`author_id` = '3112' and `article_authors`.`deleted_at` is null and `articles`.`site_id` = 1 and `articles`.`deleted_at` is null and `published_at` <= '2025-03-17 22:52:16' order by date(published_at) desc limit 1 offset 0
Bindings |
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select `articles`.`id`, `articles`.`published_at`, `articles`.`title`, `articles`.`article_category_id`, `articles`.`summary`, `articles`.`thumbnail_url`, `premium`, `story`, `article_categories`.`name` as `categoryname`, `articles`.`site_id` from `articles` inner join `article_authors` on `articles`.`id` = `article_authors`.`article_id` inner join `article_categories` on `article_categories`.`id` = `articles`.`article_category_id` where `article_authors`.`author_id` = '3112' and `article_authors`.`deleted_at` is null and `articles`.`site_id` = 1 and `articles`.`deleted_at` is null and `published_at` <= '2025-03-17 22:52:16' order by date(published_at) desc limit 3 offset 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `articles`.`id`, `articles`.`published_at`, `articles`.`title`, `articles`.`article_category_id`, `articles`.`summary`, `articles`.`thumbnail_url`, `premium`, `story`, `article_categories`.`name` as `categoryname`, `articles`.`site_id` from `articles` inner join `article_authors` on `articles`.`id` = `article_authors`.`article_id` inner join `article_categories` on `article_categories`.`id` = `articles`.`article_category_id` where `article_authors`.`author_id` = '3112' and `article_authors`.`deleted_at` is null and `articles`.`site_id` = 1 and `articles`.`deleted_at` is null and `published_at` <= '2025-03-17 22:52:16' order by date(published_at) desc limit 40 offset 4
Bindings |
Backtrace |
Backtrace |
select `articles`.`id`, `articles`.`published_at`, `articles`.`title`, `articles`.`article_category_id`, `articles`.`summary`, `articles`.`thumbnail_url`, `premium`, `story` from `articles` inner join `article_authors` on `articles`.`id` = `article_authors`.`article_id` where `article_authors`.`author_id` = '3112' and `articles`.`deleted_at` is null and `article_authors`.`deleted_at` is null and `site_id` = 1 and `published_at` <= '2025-03-17 22:52:16' order by date(published_at) desc limit 40 offset 4
Bindings |
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Backtrace |
select `articles`.`id`, `articles`.`published_at`, `articles`.`title`, `articles`.`article_category_id`, `articles`.`summary`, `articles`.`thumbnail_url`, `premium`, `story` from `articles` inner join `article_authors` on `articles`.`id` = `article_authors`.`article_id` where `article_authors`.`author_id` = '3112' and `articles`.`deleted_at` is null and `article_authors`.`deleted_at` is null and `site_id` = 1 and `published_at` <= '2025-03-17 22:52:16' order by date(published_at) desc limit 40 offset 4
Bindings |
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Backtrace |
select `id`, `categoryid` as `article_category_id`, `title`, `thumbURL` as `thumbnail_url`, `long_title`, `story`, `author_id` as `author`, `author` as `authorname`, `summary`, `related_video`, `publishday`, `publishdate` as `published_at`, `premium` from `std_article` where `author_id` = '3112' and `source` = 'main' and `inactive` is null and `publishdate` <= '2025-03-17 22:52:16' order by `publishdate` desc limit 40 offset 4
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `id`, `name`, `parentid` from `standard_digital_world`.`std_category` where 0 = 1
Backtrace |
select `id`, `article_category_id`, `title`, `thumbnail_url`, `published_at`, `premium` from `articles` where `deleted_at` is null and `published_at` <= '2025-03-17 22:52:16' order by `published_at` desc limit 8 offset 0
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `id`, `name`, `parent_id` from `article_categories` where `article_categories`.`id` in (4, 16, 41, 56, 588, 723)
Backtrace |
select * from `favourite_topics` where `status` = 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `article_categories` where `article_categories`.`id` = 7 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `authors`.*, `article_authors`.`article_id` as `pivot_article_id`, `article_authors`.`author_id` as `pivot_author_id` from `authors` inner join `article_authors` on `authors`.`id` = `article_authors`.`author_id` where `article_authors`.`article_id` = 2001512715 and `authors`.`deleted_at` is null
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `article_categories` where `article_categories`.`id` = 723 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `authors`.*, `article_authors`.`article_id` as `pivot_article_id`, `article_authors`.`author_id` as `pivot_author_id` from `authors` inner join `article_authors` on `authors`.`id` = `article_authors`.`author_id` where `article_authors`.`article_id` = 2001506646 and `authors`.`deleted_at` is null
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `article_categories` where `article_categories`.`id` = 723 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `authors`.*, `article_authors`.`article_id` as `pivot_article_id`, `article_authors`.`author_id` as `pivot_author_id` from `authors` inner join `article_authors` on `authors`.`id` = `article_authors`.`author_id` where `article_authors`.`article_id` = 2001502590 and `authors`.`deleted_at` is null
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `article_categories` where `article_categories`.`id` = 723 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `authors`.*, `article_authors`.`article_id` as `pivot_article_id`, `article_authors`.`author_id` as `pivot_author_id` from `authors` inner join `article_authors` on `authors`.`id` = `article_authors`.`author_id` where `article_authors`.`article_id` = 2001501318 and `authors`.`deleted_at` is null
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `id`, `name`, `short_name`, `parent_id`, `site_id` from `article_categories` where `id` is null
Backtrace |
select `id`, `name`, `short_name`, `parent_id`, `site_id` from `article_categories` where `id` is null
Backtrace |
select `id`, `name`, `short_name`, `parent_id`, `site_id` from `article_categories` where `id` is null
Backtrace |
select `id`, `name`, `short_name`, `parent_id`, `site_id` from `article_categories` where `refer_id` is null
Backtrace |
select `id`, `name`, `short_name`, `parent_id`, `site_id` from `article_categories` where `id` is null
Backtrace |
select `id`, `name`, `short_name`, `parent_id`, `site_id` from `article_categories` where `id` is null
Backtrace |
select `id`, `name`, `short_name`, `parent_id`, `site_id` from `article_categories` where `id` is null
Backtrace |
select `id`, `name`, `short_name`, `parent_id`, `site_id` from `article_categories` where `refer_id` is null
Backtrace |
select `id`, `name`, `short_name`, `parent_id`, `site_id` from `article_categories` where `id` is null
Backtrace |
select `id`, `name`, `short_name`, `parent_id`, `site_id` from `article_categories` where `id` is null
Backtrace |
select `id`, `name`, `short_name`, `parent_id`, `site_id` from `article_categories` where `id` is null
Backtrace |
select `id`, `name`, `short_name`, `parent_id`, `site_id` from `article_categories` where `refer_id` is null
Backtrace |
select `id`, `name`, `short_name`, `parent_id`, `site_id` from `article_categories` where `id` is null
Backtrace |
select `id`, `name`, `short_name`, `parent_id`, `site_id` from `article_categories` where `id` is null
Backtrace |
select `id`, `name`, `short_name`, `parent_id`, `site_id` from `article_categories` where `id` is null
Backtrace |
select `id`, `name`, `short_name`, `parent_id`, `site_id` from `article_categories` where `refer_id` is null
Backtrace |
select * from `favourite_topics` where `status` = 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
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