Nairobi County leaders have demanded transparency from Governor Johnson Sakaja’s administration over the use of disaster management funds.
Embakasi North MP James Gakuya and Nairobi Assembly Deputy Minority Leader Waithera Chege questioned why victims of disasters such as fire incidents rarely receive timely assistance despite the county’s substantial budget allocations.
The leaders spoke in Tassia, Embakasi East, while visiting families displaced by a Saturday night fire that left hundreds homeless.
At least six people, including a child sustained burns with property worth millions destroyed.
“It is unacceptable that more than three days have passed without assistance for the victims,” said Gakuya.
“The county’s disaster management unit receives adequate funding every year. Why is it failing to support residents in their time of need?”
Gakuya observed that the county appeared to prioritise other areas while disaster victims were left without shelter.
The leaders distributed foodstuffs and blankets to more than 100 victims at Kwa Kassim area within Tassia estate.
Waithera called for an audit of the county’s disaster management spending.
“It is disheartening to see people sleeping in the open while the county government sits on millions meant to cushion disaster victims,” said Waithera.
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