Retired pro-boxer George Foreman. [AFP]
Former heavyweight champion George Foreman, who fought and lost against Muhammad Ali in boxing's iconic 1974 "Rumble in the Jungle" before reclaiming the title two decades later, died Friday aged 76, his family announced in a statement.
"With profound sorrow, we announce the passing of our beloved George Edward Foreman Sr, who peacefully departed on March 21, 2025, surrounded by loved ones," Foreman's family said in a statement posted on the boxer's official Instagram page.
"A humanitarian, an Olympian, and two-time heavyweight champion of the world, he was deeply respected -- a force for good, a man of discipline, conviction and a protector of his legacy, fighting tirelessly to preserve his good name -- for his family," the statement added.
"We are grateful for the outpouring of love and prayers, and kindly ask for privacy as we honor the extraordinary life of a man we were blessed to call our own."
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