
Poultry rearing for starters: Get it right

It is exactly six weeks to Easter holidays and for most farmers this is one of the high seasons they can make a killing from. The demand for broiler chicks for placement is on the rise as we anticipate good sales during the upcoming holidays and closure of schools. Are you new in this poultry business and want to cash in on the upcoming season? Here are useful tips for a successful venture.

  1. Chick quality

Hatcheries can have a tremendous impact on the success of chicken rearing. The hatch process from egg to farm can be stressful. Choose your chick supplier carefully and make efforts to minimise stress to maintain good chick quality. Here are the characteristics of a good quality chick - well-dried, long-fluffed down, bright round active eyes, active and alert. Chicks should have completely healed navels and legs should be bright and waxy to the touch. Chicks should be free from deformities like crooked legs, twisted necks and cross beaks.

  1. Chick Transport

Transport chicks in well ventilated...