Timothy Sande at his Kamsa Poultry farm in Sinyolo, Kisumu West. [Kevine Omollo, Standard]
Of late, ambient temperatures have been on the rise in most parts of the country, as such incidents of heat stress have been reported in flocks on the finisher and egg-laying stages. Birds perform well at temperatures between 18-23 C degrees. Prolonged heat stress above 35 degrees centigrade in chickens will impact negatively flock performance, well-being and ultimately profitability of a flock. Most of our farmers grow their birds in open-sided barns that are more prone to heat stress effects as compared to birds kept in environmentally controlled units. Growing birds in an open-sided housing system in a hot environment is not always easy.
For farmers keeping birds for meat production, heat stress affects the ability to achieve daily body weight gains as per desired standards, it also negatively affects the feed conversion ratio, i.e.,...