
Give needy patients Christmas smile

In one Scripture, the Lord talks of goat and sheep nations.

The goat nations are those uncaring, unsympathetic ones whose selfishness overrides everything else. In contrast, the sheep nations have understood what makes humanity tick; they have understood what it means to empty of themselves.

“And he will place the sheep on his right, but the goats on the left. Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me...”

When I went to deliver at Nairobi Hospital 23 years ago during the Christmas season, I recall a group of nuns moving from room to room singing Christmas Carols with musical accompaniments.

Indeed the atmosphere changed and we had a good Christmas even though we were patients.

That happened in a private hospital. How much more those who are struggling in public hospitals where the conditions may be appalling? How about those who come from outside Nairobi County and have been to Kenyatta National Hospital? When gates are opened to receive visitors, they have nothing to look forward to since they know their people are too far away and probably too poor to travel.

These are the times God literally sends angels to these patients. And these angels are you and I.

I know we are planning big things for Christmas. Some of us have organised family parties for years — where we come together, contribute and have a great time.

Some of us will go out of town and enjoy for two or three days in plush hotels.

Some of us will even go for holidays out of the country. Why not sacrifice and give a patient a Christmas smile?

Yes, pool your resources as a family as you usually do, only this time, head to a hospital and share those gifts — shoes, food, clothes, toys with the most unfortunate lot.

I guarantee you that this will be the most fulfilling Christmas you ever had. Sometimes we underestimate the power of our actions and the power of a prayer of healing offered in faith.

Imagine if every needy family or patient is visited! Every single one of them. And the visit need not be one. A bond could be established where you adopt that particular family or patient until they get well.

You will have done humanity a very big favour. Repeat the gesture during the New Year and you will see a difference in your own life.

This season, celebrate Christmas with a purposeful spirit. Do not allow yourself to be dragged into the abysmal pit of egocentricity and depravity.

Let a generous spirit overcome and overtake you so that in all your endeavours, you only strive to please God.

After all, how many goats and chicken have you fed on every Christmas? Let this verse ring in your mind.

“You eat the fat, you clothe yourselves with the wool, you slaughter the fat ones, but you do not feed the sheep. The weak you have not strengthened, the sick you have not healed, the injured you have not bound up...”

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christmas patients