British Tornado jets 'wipe millions from ISIS war-chest'

Syria: British Tornado bombers have wiped off millions from Islamic State’s multi-billion war-chest in their first mission against the terror network in Syria.

As commanders doubled the size of the UK’s strike air force in the region, it emerged their first run over Syria hit an ISIS -controlled oil complex.

Hours after getting the green light to bomb Syrian ISIS targets , four Tornado jets scrambled into action - obliterating essential parts of Omar oil field, near Iraq.

It was overrun by ISIS some time ago and earned the network millions of pounds to pay for weapons, armour and ammo.

Sources sources say the oil field was worth as much as 10 per cent of Islamic State’s war-chest of several billion pounds.

The bombers flew several hours on Wednesday evening, returning safely to their forward air base RAF Akritiri, on Cyprus.

Six key targets within the oil field were smashed by RAF Paveway IV bombs.

 The first successful bombing run by the RAF in Syria came as Prime Minister David Cameron warned: “We are going to need to be patient and persistent. This is going to take time.

“It is complex, it is difficult what we are asking our pilots to do, and our thoughts should be with them and their families."

Today two more Tornados and six Typhoons arrived at the Cyprus base, adding to the eight Tornado GR4 craft already there.

 Prime Minister David Cameron said: “There will be strong support from our allies because they wanted us to join them in taking this action.

“There will be very strong support from Muslim countries, Gulf countries, that have asked to us to take part in this action as part of a process that will help to deliver the political and diplomatic change that we need in Syria as well.”

The MoD confirmed the jets - supported by a Voyager air refuelling tanker, an unmanned Reaper drone and other coalition aircraft - had hit six targets.

A statement from the Ministry said: “Carefully selected elements of the oilfield infrastructure were targeted, ensuring the strikes will have a significant impact on Daesh ’s ability to extract the oil to fund their terrorism.

“By extending RAF offensive operations into Syria, our aircraft are now able to help dismantle the means by which Daesh plan, direct and sustain their campaign of terror.

“Before our aircrew conducted their attacks, as is normal they used the aircraft’s advanced sensors to confirm that no civilians were in the proximity of the targets, who might be placed at risk.

Our initial analysis of the operation indicates that the strikes were successful.”