ISIS thugs force children to watch as executioners behead and crucify two men

Syria: These sickening images show young children being forced to watch two men being beheaded and crucified by ISIS terror thugs.

The pictures, which were apparently proudly posted by the murderous group's media arm, show youngsters watching the savage killing.

Children and other civilians in the lands controlled by Islamic State in Syria and Iraq are often rounded up and taken to executions by terrorists as a warning not to defy the group.

It is not clear when and where the harrowing photos were taken.

It is the latest in a long line of brutal executions meted out by the killers.

Last week it was reported that ISIS savages cut off a Christian boy’s fingertips in front of his preacher father before crucifying the pair of them.

The terror group were trying to force Syrian Christians in a village near Aleppo to convert to their twisted interpretation of Islam.

The boy, 12, was the son of a Syrian ministry team leader who set up nine churches in the war-ravaged country.

 “In front of the team leader and relatives in the crowd, the Islamic extremists cut off the fingertips of the boy and severely beat him, telling his father they would stop the torture only if he, the father, returned to Islam,” Christian Aid Mission reported.