
Amorous granny with a love for young studs

By Paul Kariuki

When her age mates are busy singing hymns and tending vegetable gardens, a granny in Tabuga Village, Nakuru County, is living her life to the full, preying on young ‘stallions’ and reliving her good old days.

The widow, who’s in her 60s, is a relatively wealthy woman who operates a milk shop along the busy Lanet-Dondori route. She also owns several rental houses within the locality and is said to keep a ‘penthouse’ where she takes her charges for ‘extra curricula activities’ every other week. She pays quite well for a ‘job’ done, too, it is said.

When her contemporaries are raising grandchildren and generally winding down their sunset years, the granny has rekindled her well of youthful vigour and is lustfully sipping from it. She’s in sync with the latest fashion trends and goes out with men young enough to be her grandsons.

Not long ago, she seduced a young matatu tout plying the route, who is in his 20s, and kept him in the ‘penthouse’ for a week of illustrious pleasure only to kick him out when he outlived his usefulness.

According to sources, her children cut ties with her, as they could not put up with her weird and wild behaviour. She has four grown children who are either married, or working in distant towns. They are so scandalised by her loose morals that they hardly visit except on rare and key family events.

A fellow shopkeeper reveals that the granny has a tendency of closing shop any time of the day whenever she bags a prospective ‘stallion’. She either invites the young man to the back of her shop if the meeting is temporary, or takes him to the ‘penthouse’ if he shows sufficient promise.

Whenever she goes to ‘town to inspect business’, a ruse for going to the penthouse with a young charge, she asks fellow shopkeepers to sell her stock on her behalf.

She later pays them a commission based on sales made.

At her age, many would be investing their time in spiritual matters and not on matters of the flesh. But this grandma is openly and notoriously hormone-driven.

Earlier this year, a man left his wife and six children for the warmth of her bosom only to be thrown out after a month’s stay. 

Like those before him, he was a spent cartridge that needed to be replaced by a young, untried lad whose testosterone was at  peak level.