Sambu’s Motion will reopen healed wounds

The planned Motion by Webuye MP Alfred Sambu to determine the legality of President Kibaki’s tenure is in bad taste.

It’s also unwarranted since it comes barely a month after the Kriegler Commission of inquiry into the conduct of the last election said it was impossible to determine who won the presidential election.

Besides, the country is not ready for another election, what with the memories of the violence that claimed 1,133 lives early in the year and the quest to reform our electoral system.

Sambu has got his priorities wrong. He should focus on more sensitive and urgent issues at hand. Parliament should not let the Motion see the light of day.

Njeru Munene, Mombasa Polytechnic.

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Sambu’s Motion, though credible, is time-barred. Even if the commission had established who between Kibaki and Prime Minister Raila Odinga won the presidential bid, nothing would have changed since we have a Coalition Government in place. Such a move would only undermine the national peace accord that ended the political violence, and throw us back into war.

Anthony Alukhome Keya, Kericho.

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As Vice-President Kalonzo Musyoka promised, the Motion should not sail through. Kenyans now want service delivery.

Phillip Mumo, Kitui.

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