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EXCLUSIVE footage showing police officers battling four robbers who raided Equity bank in Kisumu

23rd November, 2021

Police dispatched to Equity Bank on Angawa Avenue in Kisumu after four armed suspected robbers raid the facility at 11am today; siege underway. &bull At 11am at least four armed robbers gained entry into Equity Bank, Angawa Avenue branch in Kisumu. &bull Shortly after, they threw a tear gas canister on the floor, forcing some of the clients and staff members to run out. &bull Eyewitnesses filed a suspected robbery report minutes to 11:30am. &bull At 11:30am, the first contingent of police officers arrived in four vehicles. &bull Minutes later, Nyanza Regional Police Commander Karanja Muiruri arrived at the scene. • At noon, more police officers were deployed to the scene, with the total number of officers in operation rising to 30.
