Are you wondering how you can keep your home or workspace safe from bacteria and viruses? Then here is a customised solution.
Technology now makes it possible to purify the air you breathe, making it free of bacteria and other microorganisms.
Using Novaerus, a portable non-touch device, one can ensure they are not at risk of diseases spread through the air.
Coronavirus is spread in tiny droplets released from the nose and mouth of an infected person. One can also get it by touching surfaces contaminated with the virus.
Quintons Pharmacy, the distributor of the Ireland-manufactured technology, notes that the device has the ability to destroy airborne viruses, allergens, moulds, spores, fungi as well as oduors.
“The technology is used in hospitals worldwide to prevent the spread of viruses, including influenza, norovirus, and measles,” said Quintons Pharmacy Director Kiran Kaur.
Yesterday, the pharmacy donated one of its devices, Novaerus NV800, to Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH).
KNH is one of the facilities in the country with an isolation ward for the purpose of managing coronavirus patients.
In February, Ireland donated some of the devices to two hospitals in Wuhan, China, to assist in the fight against coronavirus.
The air disinfectant device utilises clinically proven plasma technology and works 24 hours. The patented plasma destroys harmful elements in the air.
“With so little known about Covid-19, global health officials have had no choice but improvise with containment strategies, such as quarantines and travel restrictions,” said Ms Kaur.
Coronavirus spreads through droplets in the air or when one touches contaminated surfaces and the droplets find their way into their respiratory systems, through the mouth or nose.
“The advantage of this technology is that it is not only used in hospitals but in homes and offices,” said Kaur.
She explained that the device comes in different sizes, depending on the space. It is however used mostly in operating rooms, infectious disease centres, emergency centres, intensive care units, lobbies and wards.
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