Nominated MCAs gain as assembly plans to hire personal assistants

Nominated MCA Stephen Chege

The county assembly has announced plans to hire personal assistants for nominated members to assist in conducting research.

The assistants will also be charged with maintaining the diaries of the 18 nominated MCAs.

Some elected members have opposed the move, insisting that employing assistants for their nominated colleagues is misuse of public funds.

Elected MCAs have three employees working in their offices.

The assistants will also be assigned duties by the clerk of the county assembly if need arises.

On Friday, the County Assembly Service Board invited candidates to apply for the positions.

Kimorori MCA Amos Murigi opposed the move, terming it unconstitutional.

“Salaries and Remuneration Commission is yet to allow nominated members to have personal assistants paid by the government,” said Murigi.

He claimed that the move was a ploy by the executive to lure members to support programmes without much scrutiny.

But Assembly Speaker Nduati Kariuki said the employment of the assistants follows a decision by the County Assemblies Forum to facilitate members in service delivery.

“All the assemblies will follow suit as the recommendation should be implemented to empower our members,” said Mr Nduati.

Nominated MCA Stephen Chege welcomed the plan, saying it would make the leaders' work easier.