The Kenya Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis Eradication Council (KenTTEC) has named Dr Pamela Olet as its new Chief Executive Officer. Olet has been in this position, in acting capacity, since the organisation’s inception in 2012.
Dr.Olet said she will continue to push for the eradication of tsetse menace in the country through efficient, sustainable and environmentally sound technologies in collaboration with stakeholders and the government to ensure a healthy and wealthy nation.
KenTTEC Chairman Dr. David Wanyonyi expressed hope that despite limited funds available to the institution, they would continue with the fight against tsetse menace.
He also urged various stakeholders to come on board and assist them in the fight against the tsetse and trypanosomiasis menace in the country.
Kenya is losing a lot of money, estimated at Sh20 billion, through infestation of tsetse across the country, a trend that needs to be urgently addressed.
So far, KenTTEC has had success stories of tsetse fly suppression in various regions including Lambwe Valley, Meru, Faza Island and the coast region.