Azimio mass protests on Monday, March 20, 2023. [Denish Ochieng, Standard]

Masinde Muliro University (MMUST) students and locals who took to the streets on Monday have been slapped with a Sh2,000 each.

The eight, who appeared before Principal Magistrate Josephine Maragia, were charged with unlawfully demonstrating along the Kakamega-Webuye road. The eight asked the court to give them a lenient sentence or consider setting them free as they were poor.

"Your honour, they were only grievous with the harsh economic times and came out in their numbers to make their wishes known," defence lawyer Yvonne Khalai said.

She added: "As sons and daughters of peasants, they cannot afford the rising costs of food, fuel and other basics. Most of them were suffering as citizens of Kenya and more so as comrades because of the lack of Helb loans that help them to sustain themselves."

State lawyer Duncan Bonzo said the eight had no previous criminal record and did not object to the court's decision of treating them as such.

"They are remorseful and have pleaded for leniency, and in the circumstances, each is fined Sh2,000 and in default one month in jail," said Maragia.