ODM leader Raila Odinga addresses the media on payment of sugar farmers as Paul Otuoma looks on at Capitol Hill on March 4, 2019. [David Gichuru]


Former cabinet minister Paul Otuoma will fly the ODM flag in the Busia governor race in the August 9 general elections.

Otuoma who once served as Funyula MP defeated his main rival Florence Mutua to win the Busia ODM nominations.

He garnered 49,330 votes while Ms Mutua who is the current Busia County Woman representative got 30, 696 votes.

“After conducting peaceful, free and fair ODM nominations, I am pleased to announce that Florence Mutua has garnered 30,696 votes and Paul Otuoma has 49,330,” declared Prof Charles Tibbs, the County Returning Officer.

“Therefore I declare Otuoma Paul Nyongesa as the winner and the ODM gubernatorial candidate in Busia County.”

An elated Otuoma after being issued with the interim ODM nomination certificate said that for the first time in history, the orange party National Elections Board (NEB) had conducted free and fair nominations.

“I want to congratulate NEB because sometimes it has not been an easy exercise for them to carry out nominations. This time we have had it very peaceful, everybody was included and we have had a verdict that is very satisfactorily to all,” said Dr Otuoma.

He went on: “I still believe in ODM and when the party succeeds in doing something, everyone succeeds, I hope this will be replicated in all places so that we can have a credible nomination process and after that, we shall strive to bring the ODM family together.”

Otuoma extended an olive branch to his main challenger, Ms Mutua saying she was a worthy competitor and asked her to join his fold and work together for the people of Busia.

“Mutua was a worthy competitor but after this, we should work together for the people of Busia. We want service delivery, we need medicine in our hospitals and investment opportunities that can create jobs for our people."

According to Otuoma working together with his rival will ensure the focus shifts to campaigning for ODM chief Raila Odinga's presidential bid.

"We would like to drum up support for Raila so that he can succeed President Uhuru Kenyatta and become the fifth President of Kenya."

Ms Mutua is yet to comment on the outcome of the primaries with unconfirmed reports indicating that she will be offered a direct ticket to run as senator.