The two were squabbling over a text message. [iStockphoto]

The police in Homa Bay County are investigating death of a 31-year-old man who was allegedly killed by his wife in a bar following a disagreement over a text message.

The man is said to have gone to the bar with his wife to drink alcohol on Wednesday evening.

However, in the course of merry-making, they started squabbling over a text message that was reportedly sent to the man's phone.

It is alleged the two began fighting inside the bar. The woman later removed a knife from her handbag and stabbed the man in the chest. He collapsed and died instantly.

An irate mob attempted to lynch the woman before she was rescued.

Senior Chief of Homa Bay Township Location Joshua Ochogo and his fellow security officials intervened and saved her.

“It seems the couple had wrangles which emanated from their home in Rachuonyo North Sub-county. We still don’t know the main cause of their wrangles,” Ochogo said.

The woman is being held at Homa Bay Police Station.

Homa Bay Sub-county Police Commander Sammy Koskey said they had launched investigations into the matter.

The body was taken to Homa Bay County Referral Hospital mortuary.