Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua had a chitchat with students of Ngamwa Primary Schools in Mukurweini Constituency, Nyeri County on March 21, 2024. [DPCS]

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has pleaded with youths in Murang'a to shun alcohol, revealing how he used to be a heavy drinker in his youthful days.

The revelation was made on Thursday, March 21, during a public lecture to students at Murang'a University.

While addressing the students, the DP disclosed that he had a favorite drinking joint in Ngara, Nairobi, where he would consume more than a crate of beer.

He said the reason he has stayed committed to battling the culture of death that is substance abuse is because his family has once been a victim.

"I used to drink a lot myself... a lot.....just beers. A crate, a crate and a half. There is a bar called Citrus, next to Jamhuri High School. It used to be very nice there. There was a one-man guitar there and I had some little money. So I would stay there till morning," Gachagua told the students.


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He went ahead to warn the students against alcoholism, saying his friends from those days are either dead or heavy alcoholics at the moment.

"We would drink and drink.......and get wasted. Many of my drinking buddies are dead others are zombies and others are ruined. They look for me to give them something to eat today," the DP said.

"Since I decided to quit drinking, my path has been good and you can see where am standing today. Please our young people, I cry for you. President William Ruto cries for you. I have come to talk to you to ask you with tremendous respect and humility that your future is bright and please do not ruin it,"

The Deputy President has been on the front battle lines in the war on brews.

On Sunday, he affirmed that he will not relent in his fight against illicit brew even if his current leadership position is at stake.

"We are almost losing an entire generation. Nobody will be allowed to sell poison in the name of alcohol to our young people," he said.