National Assembly Speaker Justin Muturi. [File, Standard]

Parliament will embark on vetting the 16 nominees for the envoy positions upon resuming the sittings.

A notification from the Speaker of the National Assembly Justin Muturi dated October 16, 2020, revealed that the Clerk had been instructed to inform the Members of Parliament about the impending business of the House.

Mr Muturi also revealed that the Departmental Committee on Defence and Foreign Relations had been notified to begin the process of vetting the nominees in tandem with the Public Appointments (Parliamentary Approval Act) and the House standing orders.  The House resumes business on November 3 after a recess.

The communication came after the Speaker received the names of the nominees from President Uhuru Kenyatta.

“It is notified to all Members of the National Assembly that on Thursday, October 15, 2020, I received a message from H.E. the President regarding nomination for appointment of sixteen persons to the positions of High Commissioners and Ambassadors in Embassies/High Commissions/Missions of the Republic of Kenya abroad...” the notification partly reads.

Nominees missing

According to the notification by Muturi, the list of the nominees are only comprising 16 individuals. The list of the nominees issued by the Head of Public Service Joseph Kinyua had 25 nominees, among them three former IEBC officials.

The names of Connie Maina, Paul Kurgat and Margaret Mwanchanya, who were picked as deputy heads of mission are all missing in the list sent to Parliament.

Nkatha who is the former IEBC vice-chair was appointed as the deputy head of mission in Rome, Italy. Her colleagues, Paul Kurgat and Margaret Mwanchanya were picked for similar positions in Moscow (Russia) and Islamabad (Pakistan) respectively.

Also missing from the list are the names of other six nominees for the positions of deputy heads of missions to the country.