Kenya National Union of Nurses led by Secretary-General Seth Panyako (center) in solidarity during a press briefing in Kisumu on November 25, 2020. [Collins Oduor, Standard]

Nurses have joined the list of those challenging the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) with a petition to stop the ongoing signature collection.

The Kenya National Union of Nurses claims that their proposals to the BBI steering committee were not captured in the Constitution of Kenya (Amendment) Bill 2020 as published last week.

Through lawyer Edgar Busiega, the nurses union argued that they had a legitimate expectation that their proposal on the establishment of an independent health service commission to cater for health workers would be considered but has been omitted in the final document.

“Nurses had the expectation that establishment of the commission would cure the turmoil that has characterised the health sector for many years,” said Busiega.

Other proposals nurses said they made to the BBI committee but which have not been included in the final draft were the recognition of universal health care as a human right, expansion of free basic education and removal of the salaries and remuneration commission.

“We are also asking the court to stop the IEBC from forwarding the referendum bill for debate at the County Assemblies, and that the Senate and the National Assembly should not debate any bill geared at approving the BBI as currently drafted,” said Busiega.

They want orders stopping IEBC from receiving and verifying signs collected by the BBI secretariat pending determination of the suit.