Women can now privately collect their own samples to be screened for cervical cancer.

The new screening DNA-based technology, dubbed Cobas, tests for the presence of a sexually transmitted virus, which causes almost all cases of cervical cancer.

It detects the presence of Human Papilloma Virus in the cervix and cervico-vaginal canal.

Pathologists Lancet Kenya Managing Director Ahmed Kalebi said the test gives a clear indication of a woman's risk of developing the cancer, thereby enhancing efforts to effectively combat the disease.

"Cobas specifically identifies 14 different high-risk strains of the virus that are directly linked to pre-cancerous changes, including the type 16 and type 18 strains that cause over 70 per cent of cervical cancer," said Dr Kalebi.

Lancet has made it possible for women to collect samples for testing all by themselves without the presence of a doctor or a nurse, and the results delivered confidentially through email, sms or mobile application.

Kalebi added that the initiative introduces new technologies that make the screening more woman-friendly, private, accurate and efficient.

"Women do so by simply swabbing the inner parts of their vagina using a soft collection device called an Evalyn brush, which is specifically customised and validated for this purpose," he said.

Cervical cancer screening is still lower than 10 per cent despite being the most common cancer after breast cancer in the country.