Britain's longest surviving liver transplant patient to turn 70 - 40 years after surgery

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Gordon Bridwell went under the knife on New Year's Eve in 1975 after doctors found an inoperable tumour following complaints of a sore lump on his leg

Britain’s longest surviving liver transplant patient is 70 this week.

Gordon Bridewell had his gruelling 12-hour op 40 years ago after doctors found an inoperable tumour.

He had four false alarms as he waited for a donor after a search across Europe.

Gordon says: “I’d only been given five months when a suitable liver became available.”

A keen footballer, he returned to playing and completed a 100-mile river raft race. He still works as a garage mechanic.

Gordon recalls the first meal he was offered when he came round from the op at Kings College Hospital in London was liver and onions.

But next week he celebrates his 70th birthday... as Britain’s longest surviving liver transplant patient.

And he now counts the surgeon who carried out the op as a close friend.

Record-breaking Gordon - who is still working - underwent the swap on New Year’s Eve 1975 at the age of 29 after doctors found an inoperable tumour on his liver.

The life-saving transplant operation was led by Roy Calne - now Professor Sir Roy Calne - who performed the first liver transplant in Europe in 1968.

Gordon’s incredible story started with a minor injury during a football match when a tiny lump appeared on his leg which ached when he walked.

 “I was keen on sport, so I went to my GP,” he said.

He had an operation to remove the lump but started having blackouts and hallucinations because his liver had failed to filter out the anaesthetic.

Gordon was referred to the specialists where he underwent 25 tests.

He recalled: “I wondered what I was doing there. I felt fine. Then the consultant told me what I had - a tumour on my liver.”

The tumour was removed but it was then discovered that he had an inoperable second tumour - and specialists recommended a liver transplant.

Gordon said: “I was shocked. I still hadn’t recovered from the news about the second tumour.

“I knew kidney transplants were being done but I’d not heard about liver transplants, except as a last resort, and mostly for elderly people.”

The transplant process was agonising and enquiries had to be extended to the rest of Europe to find a suitable organ match.

“It was a waiting game," he added. “I had four false alarms, arriving in London to find that the organs weren’t compatible.

Gordon woke up from the life-changing surgery immobile, attached to a battery of tubes, with 30 external stitches and a host of internal ones.

He said: “I was really looking forward to my first meal after the operation.

“They wheeled it in and the nurse lifted the lid and gasped ‘I can’t give you this!’ It was liver and onions!”

Gordon spent months in King’s and time recuperating at Addenbrookes Hospital.

He said: “I was determined I was going to get better. I gave myself a year to get back to work and it took 13 months. No-one had managed to get back to a manual sort of job.”

He was also soon back on the sports field and just five years after the surgery was the first transplant patient to complete a 100-mile raft race at Ross-on-Wye.

Gordon, a former police mechanic, is still helping out at his family’s motor repair business.

And Professor Calne, who has become a close friend over the years, has told him: “You are an icon”.

Sir Roy, 84, one of the world’s most celebrated transplant surgeons was famous for painting all his transplant patients including Gordon.

Still working in medical research he remembers Gordon’s surgery. “He was one of our younger patients. In those days the operations were gruelling 12 hours and we would often lose patients,” he said.

“The biggest single contribution to survival has been the range of anti-rejection drugs we now have for patients.

“Gordon’s survival is testament to the wonder of transplant surgery. If ever there was a reason to sign up to be a donor it’s his story.

“He has led a totally normally life all these years- thanks to the generosity of his donor’s family.”

Gordon, who celebrates his 70th birthday on February 22, keenly supports organ donation and is still called to speak to people awaiting transplants.

Gordon still remembers his op every New Year’s Eve: “The operation changed my whole life,” he said.

“I’d only been given five months when the suitable liver became available. I talk to many people about becoming a donor and ask them what if your son or daughter needed an organ transplant?”