By Halima Gladys
The body, sometimes, has an embarrassing way to find relief. The desire to scratch offers relief, especially when the urge to scratch comes. Scratching whatever part of the body in public is an eye sore.
Itching in the anus can be equally intolerable. Anal itching may also be caused by to some irritating chemicals that reach the body through intake of certain food substances such as spices, sauce and peppers.
Other chronic scratching of the anus would be presence of excess moisture in the anal region due to frequent liquid stools and diarrhoea, dermatological causes, exaggerated frequent scrubbing, and anxiety. In children, however, it may be poor hygiene and pinworms.
In an effort to reduce anal itchiness, coffee and tea intake should be avoided. Tomato products such as ketchup and other sauces should also be done away with at such moments.
Nuts and chocolates cheese and milk products as well as carbonated beverages too, should be avoided. With anal itching becoming common these days, diet must be altered to accommodate healthy bacteria in meals. Fermentable foods such as citrus juice and vinegar solution are encouraged before bedtime.
Vegetables are helpful in reducing itching effect in the case of anal itching. Fibrous vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins C and A are most encouraged as they acts as an inflammatory agents.
Fibrous vegetables include spinach, green beans, celery, zucchini and sukuma wiki. Increased intake of yoghurt is good.