Holy book pages: How Kenyan lawyer discovered the missing link from the Bible

JOSEPH HANNINGTON MUSOMBA is a Kenyan advocate who specializes in civil litigation and constitutional law. He is also the author of the book The Cephas Code of Christ published by Tellwell Publishers of Canada in 2020, by far the most audacious and objective commentary on the Bible structure to date. He spoke to BONIFACE MITHIKA.

Tell us about your first book.

'The Cephas Code of Christ' is my first book and it seeks to bring the missing link of the sudden discovery of the divinity of the chapter and verse numbers.

For centuries they have been assumed to be totally random, but it turns out that the verse numbers are so strategically placed in the Bible, that they pan out to display what Jesus calls the sign of Jonah.

Jesus speaks of the sign of Jonah in Matthew 12:40 and it seems that he was quoting the chapter and verse numbers of the Bible some 1500 years before they were inserted.

It is this sudden discovery of the divinity of the chapter and verse numbers that radically changes our view and understanding of the Bible.

What necessitated the writing of Cephas Code of Christ?

I am a lawyer and not a priest. I follow facts and not faith. The discovery of written proof of the existence of God has been the greatest discovery since the dawn of mankind. It was vital that the book be published.

The interpretation of the bible among Christians and non-Christians remains to be one of the unending discussions in church, theological setups, and even secular spaces

In any event, it is explicitly foretold in the Bible, in Rev 14:6, that the everlasting gospel will be revealed finally when the hour has come!

Don't you think this makes you a critic of religion rather than a believer?

I cannot be a critic when the book is a fulfillment of written biblical prophecy. The book reinforces, quite scientifically, that the God of the Bible is above all gods. For any other god to match up to what the Bible God has pulled out of the Bible is practically impossible. Time cannot allow it. Definitely no to this generation.

Through the sign of Jonah, we now clearly see that there is a God in heaven who is not just above our time and space realm but who also is in firm control of the human affairs of the world.

Because we can now clearly see how the Bible evolved in phases and finally sealed sevenfold from the days of Moses. David himself mentions it in Psalms 12:6 but we could not possibly understand what he meant then.

How has the book been received so far and how have Christians reacted to it?

Skepticism! So far everyone without exception has been unbelieving. This is understandable given the mindset developed over centuries involved.

Who will believe that God and Jesus could encrypt a numbers code in the Bible and such a thing could be unveiled in Africa?

Unsurprisingly, this incredulity is also described in the Bible. Also, that God would entrust an African with such a revelation plays a big part. We are waiting for ratification from the West. That will come in time.

I expected more resistance from the scientific groups than from the religious ones but strangely the opposite is happening.

So, we should say you are advocating revision of the bible?

For starters, I do not advocate a revision of the Bible. That vibe was started by some sub-editor of a local paper and gained undue traction. What I advocate for is for all Bible revisions to conform to the 1611 KJV because that is the chosen book.

The Book of God, which turns out to be a version of the Bible has already taken care of that.

Kindly explain what is the Cephas Code of Christ.

The Cephas Code of Christ is another name for the sign of Jonah. I call it the Cephas Code because of John 1:42. If you read that verse you will find that it differs in almost every Bible translation.

Did Jesus call Simon the son of John or the son of Jonah? Does Cephas mean Peter, rock, or stone? The various translators have really gone overboard to push their different agendas.

It is not until 2020 that we fully understand the sign of Jonah that Jesus spoke of in Matthew 12:40. By the sign of Jonah, Jesus was quoting the Bible 2000 years in advance. And this is how we know that. There are three chapters in the Bible; Acts 1, Mark 3, and Matthew 16 that explain this sign of Jonah.

Because the sign of Jonah - a reading of 3 verses up and 3 verses below verse 16 - connects these three in a way that only God can.

The sign of Jonah in Acts 1 makes reference to the sign of Jonah in Mark 3. Acts 1 tells us that Judas was numbered with the apostles and that after his death Judas dwells alone and desolate in his final place called Akeldama.

Surprisingly, the numbering that Peter is referring to here is the verse numbering in Mark 3. Akeldama here means verse 19, in Mark 3 where Judas is numbered alone.

However, in Mark 3 we also see that Simon too is numbered alone. And the reason for his being numbered alone is because he was 'surnamed' Peter by Jesus. When we look for the place where Jesus was surnamed Simon, we find it in another sign of Jonah in Matthew 16:18.

In the sign of Jonah of Matthew 16, we see Jesus also calling Simon Peter, BarJonah meaning son of Jonah.

What does this revelation mean to us?

It is through this that we realize that Jesus is referring to the prophet Jonah and the sign he talked about in Matthew 12:39-40. And the connection between Simon Peter and the prophet Jonah is puzzling at first until we look at the verse numbers.

Jesus is referring to the chapter and verse numbers of the Bible. He quoted them in advance so they were part of scripture all along. The question is why then does Jesus quote these numbers?

We see that in Matthew 12:40, by the words, '...so shall the son of man be for three days and three nights in the heart of the earth' Jesus is unbelievably tasking us to look for him too in a sign of Jonah where he is numbered 16.

The heart of the earth here refers to verse number 16. A search throughout the Bible, now easily done because of electronic Bibles, reveals that the sign of Jonah Jesus is talking of in Matthew 12:40 is in Revelation 22. It is in Revelation 22 that we find Jesus numbered 16.

And it is in the Akeldama - verse 19- of that sign of Jonah, that we finally figure out why Jesus wants us to so urgently read that verse.

How did you come up with the discovery of the divinity of the chapter and verse number?

As you can see from above, the divinity of these numbers is discovered suddenly when we see Simon Peter in the sign of Jonah of Acts 1, sending us to verse 19 of the sign of Jonah in Mark 3.

The sign of Jonah in Mark 3 in turn connects us to the sign of Jonah in Matthew 16 which takes us to the sign of Jonah's explanation by Jesus in Matthew 12:40.

Jesus leads us to the book of God in Revelation 5:1 and by so doing the God of the Bible stamps His authority over the earth.

Now we know that there is at least a force, much more superior in intelligence to man and that that force exists outside of our time and space. Even if you do not believe in God or Jesus, you have to acknowledge the existence of the sign of Jonah.

The Cephas Code is therefore more of a science book than a religious one because it speaks to physical and hard evidence of God's existence.

Anything you would want to add?

The book reveals how the sealing of the Bible was done and how the book of God, unveiled to be the 1611 Bible was chosen by God from all other translations.

It also clarifies a few facts about the Bible unknown to the church and Bible scholars generally. Did you know for example that the canon of the Bible was fixed by Jesus, or that the third division of the Bible called the Apocrypha was discarded from the Bible in 1885 through the 1611 KJV, or that the true monument that God chooses as a symbol of His power lies in a small chapel called Chinamalai somewhere in Tamil Nadu, India.

All these are verifiable facts, even the parish priest of the Indian chapel, in Little Mount, in Mylapore, today remains totally unaware of what I tell and a huge surprise awaits him.