
Questionable questions on US visa application forms

Filling out visa application forms is the first step for those aspiring to travel abroad. The forms usually seek answers to mostly simple questions, which are used to gauge an applicant’s visa eligibility. PointBlank recently came across a copy of the US visa form and found some interesting questions which it believes even a nitwit can answer ‘correctly’. Here are a few:

• Are you coming to the US to engage in prostitution or unlawful commercialised vice or have you been engaged in prostitution or procuring prostitutes within the past 10 years?

Terrorist activities

• Have you ever been involved in, or do you seek to engage in, money laundering?

• Do you seek to engage in terrorist activities while in the United States or have you ever engaged in terrorist activities?

Can anyone in their right minds answer to any of these in the affirmative if seriously interested in going to America? Imagine someone responding thus: "Yes, I am a prostitute and believe US offers me better prospects". Do these questions serve any useful purpose Mr Scott Gration, US ambassador?

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