Motion sickness can strike at any time, whether you’re admiring the scenery, reading your favourite book, snacking, having a meal or just enjoying the ride
If you are an avid traveller or have an adventurous spirit, one way to ensure that your trip runs smoothly and free of common pitfalls is to plan ahead
A rich experience is the best way to get the most out of your holiday and leave you with a sense of fulfilment
Even though it is Easter, times are tough and you may find yourself with limited options this weekend. Well, here are a couple of things that you can do on a budget
Doing nothing is also a way to relax, but why not try something different this Easter? If you have the opportunity to have some fun, make the most of it
Many people spend all year planning trips that never come to fruition due to lack of funds. But here's how to make that dream trip a reality
Many people dream of travelling to many destinations and seeing new places. However, there is one part of travel that is not so fun to many – flying
Travelling during a heatwave can be quite a challenge. Here are some tips that experts say will help you stay cool and hydrated during the adverse weather
According to a recent travel survey, an estimated 29 per cent of people said time would be a barrier to travel this year, while 25 per cent said money would be their main deterrent
If you are an ardent traveller or are drawn to adventure, one way of ensuring that your travel is smooth and free from common mistakes, is to plan ahead
No matter how many weeks you have spent planning, nothing can prepare you for what can happen away from the safety of your home and neighbourhood
Although the two words are used interchangeably, they are as different as night and day, and today we explore the differences
After months of planning and saving up, you can't wait to finally check into that hotel and start sipping on mimosas. Unfortunately, despite your best efforts, things don't always go as planned
One of every traveller's nightmare is missing a flight. This is considering all the time and amount spent to prepare for a trip
Becoming a travel pro is a process that is built gradually. It comes with interesting lessons such as missed transport, a mismatched taxi ride, wrong hotel bookings and many more
Vacations are meant to be relaxing but realising you packed fewer or inappropriate outfits can ruin your whole experience
By now, many will have made their plans, but for those who for one reason or another have not been able to, now is the time to do so, here are some tips to consider while at it
Before packing, check the weather forecast for your destination. This helps you to pack appropriately and plan your outfits in advance
One of the things many people rarely think about is the safety products one needs to travel with, especially during an adventure trip or solo travel