The emotional maturity of parents is passed on to children through the way they relate to each other. Do not expect adult siblings to live in a way they did not experience as children
By Kenyatta Otieno Apr. 12, 2024
It is good to work towards penetrating the 20 percentile of influential products and people who account for 80 per cent of revenue and wealth
By Kenyatta Otieno May. 10, 2024
Stories shape our feelings and perceptions more than facts and figures. Our knowledge is based on stories we have heard before and internalised
By Kenyatta Otieno May. 17, 2024
In this day when data is the new gold and information overload can lead to paralysis, how does one decide what to hold on to and what to leave?
By Kenyatta Otieno May. 24, 2024
Research shows that marriage is good for building wealth and also provides the best environment for raising children
By Kenyatta Otieno Aug. 23, 2024
A new breed of men is now targeting pretty women with disposable income. They sniff the women from their social media posts
By Kenyatta Otieno Sep. 5, 2024