It is important to recognise that time and energy to get over something is different for individuals and practise patience when dealing with others
By Nina Odongo Mar. 14, 2020
While social distancing can dramatically slow the spread of infection, how does this affect your gym attendance?
By Nina Odongo Mar. 25, 2020
Panic buying is actually rooted in deep psychological trauma
By Nina Odongo Mar. 25, 2020
In case of self-isolation, consider stocking up on some long-life foods to reduce the need to go to the supermarket regularly
By Nina Odongo Mar. 25, 2020
Childhood games are a great way to exercise as a family; hopscotch requiring flat piece of ground, a stone and some chalk
By Nina Odongo May. 1, 2020
In a bid to protect yourself from the virus, you may inadvertently be putting yourself at risk of a vitamin D deficiency
By Nina Odongo May. 1, 2020
It is important to keep children mentally and physically stimulated to prevent them regressing
By Nina Odongo May. 1, 2020