
Five home remedies for dandruff

Dandruff, though frustrating, is easily treatable (Photo: Shutterstock)

Dandruff is a scalp condition that causes dead skin cells to shed into dry or oily chunks. Normally, our skin cells are shed into unnoticeable chunks but in this case, they are rather visible. There are many causes including hormonal changes, bacterial or fungal infections and stress but generally this isn’t a serious condition. 

It’s very treatable and you’ll be able to feel confident again without those terrible white flakes all over your clothes.

This condition is actually treatable with home remedies. There is no need to always run to the store for extraordinary ointments and shampoos because the solution is right in the comfort of your home.

If you’re having a dandruff problem, check out these easy remedies. 

  1. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar helps soothe an itchy scalp (Photo: Shutterstock)

Don’t get tired of hearing that apple cider vinegar (ACV) is on the list of many beauty remedies. It has countless benefits so when you add it to your hair care routine, you get added benefits. ACV comes to the rescue once again when it comes to dandruff. It has antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties, which keeps away the harmful microorganisms and soothes the itch. A simple recipe is to mix equal parts of vinegar and water. Massage onto your scalp and leave for a few before rinsing. This is done after washing.

  1. Fenugreek seeds

Fenugreek seeds contain acids and proteins that treat dry scalp and fight off bacteria and fungi (Photo: Shutterstock)

Fenugreek is a master cure when it comes to various scalp conditions. It’s filled with acids and proteins that treat dry scalp and fight off bacteria and fungi. Aside from treating dandruff, these seeds also promote rapid hair growth. Soak the seeds overnight to soften them first then drain the water. Grind into a paste and apply on damp hair while focusing on the roots. Massage it for a few minutes then let it sit for 30 minutes. Rinse when done.

  1. Yoghurt mask

Yoghurt helps restore healthy bacteria on your scalp (Photo: Shutterstock)

Yoghurt is another famous remedy for many skin and hair dilemmas. It has lactic acid which removes the excess oils and the probiotics that restore the balance of healthy bacteria on your scalp. Make a mask by mixing plain yoghurt, honey and lemon then apply it from roots to ends. Cover your hair with a shower cap and wait for 30 minutes. The lemon is added because of its antibacterial and antifungal properties and the honey will hydrate your scalp.

  1. Garlic

Garlic helps to reduce the flakiness of dandruff (Photo: Shutterstock)

The scent of raw garlic can make some run away as far as possible. You might not want to apply it topically for any kind of treatment but you’ll miss out on its healing properties. Garlic is great for treating bacterial and fungal infections because it’s packed with sulfur. It’s also effective in reducing the itchiness and flakiness. Mix some crushed cloves with honey then apply on your scalp. Continue with the same routine of massaging it then rinse well.

  1. Oatmeal

Oatmeal has deep moisturizing properties and exfoliating properties that treat dandruff (Photo: Shutterstock)

Oatmeal isn’t just your ordinary breakfast meal. It has deep moisturizing properties and exfoliating properties that treat dandruff. It’s especially good for dry scalp dandruff because of its moisture content. It also soothes the itch so you won’t need to always reach for a comb to scratch.

You can do an oatmeal mask or use it as a scalp exfoliator as a mode of treatment. If you want to make a mask, mix with milk into a paste then apply on your scalp. Cover with a shower cap and leave for 30 minutes before rinsing. You can also substitute the milk with water then scrub your scalp gently and rinse.

You should also consider changing your diet so that the condition can also be treated internally in the case of hormonal imbalances which trigger dandruff. Create a good diet plan to include vegetable juices, low fat animal products, fruits and whole gains.

Also, if you’ve been stressed lately, slow down, meditate more, exercise and practice gratitude. This will help to boost your immunity and reduce the dandruff.

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