Major reshuffle due for UK's cabinet

Prime Minister David Cameron is to continue the coalition's first major reshuffle later, after appointing Andrew Mitchell as his new chief whip.

The PM is not expected to change the most senior ministers or chancellor but a big shake-up looks likely among middle and junior-ranking ministers.

Mr Cameron met some of the ministers he wants to move on Monday night in the Commons, says the BBC's Nick Robinson.

Justice Secretary Ken Clarke was among them, he says.

Tuesday morning's cabinet meeting has been cancelled to allow the prime minister to deal with the reshuffle.

Mr Mitchell was moved from International Development Secretary to become government chief whip, in the first announcement about the reshuffle on Monday night.

He is to replace Patrick McLoughlin as government chief whip, whose main role is to get Conservative MPs to vote in favour of coalition legislation.

The prime minister is also expected to bring back Liberal Democrat David Laws as part of his shake-up - the first major restructuring since the Conservative-Liberal Democrat government came to power in 2010.
'Widespread' changes

BBC political editor Nick Robinson says that changes will be widespread, both in the cabinet and among more junior ministers.

Our editor says the prime minister met Mr Clarke, who has agreed to leave his job as justice secretary but is expected to stay in government, on Monday night.

Mr Clarke's move will be one of a series which will reshape the government's middle and junior ranks and could - though this has not been confirmed - see new faces in departments such as health, transport, work and pensions and the position of party chairman, Nick Robinson says.

The prime minister's aides told our editor the appointments would prove the government meant business.

Any cabinet changes are thought unlikely to affect Chancellor George Osborne, Home Secretary Theresa May or Foreign Secretary William Hague.

But Mr Osborne was reminded of the scale of the political challenge the government faces when he was booed as he presented medals at the Olympic Stadium on Monday night, our editor added.
'Off for curry'

The reshuffle comes after several Conservative MPs accused the coalition of not doing enough to promote economic growth.

There has been speculation about possible moves for Health Secretary Andrew Lansley, Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt, Conservative chairman Baroness Warsi and Welsh Secretary Cheryl Gillan.

Leaving the Houses of Parliament, Mr Clarke was asked if he had any details of the reshuffle, replying: "The only news is I'm off to have a curry."

Former cabinet minister Mr Laws is expected to return to the government in some capacity - two years after resigning as chief secretary to the Treasury after admitting he claimed expenses to pay his partner's rent.

Lady Warsi has appealed to David Cameron to allow her to keep her post in any reshuffle.

Housing minister Grant Shapps, employment minister Chris Grayling and minister for disabled people Maria Miller are among the Conservatives tipped for promotion.


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