
Black is beauty - Bleaching should not be promoted

Bleaching is the practice of using substances, mixtures or physical treatments to lighten Skin colour. This practice reduces the content of melanin. This is the layer that protects the skin from the sun. When someone bleaches their skin, it thins out and starts to peel off.

It is then exposed to infections and bacteria. People who bleach or rather who have bleached their skin cannot even get vitamin D from the sun since the skin is fragile and may end up damaging it the more. So if you have bleached forget about vitamin D which is very important for absorbing Calcium and promoting bone growth.


Vitamin D fights diseases

Vitamin D reduces depression

Vitamin D helps to strengthen your bones

Some of us use acne or darksports as a scapegoat for bleaching skin - the truth is Melanocytes keep producing Melanin.

The chemicals used to bleach contain, Steroids, Mercury, Hydroquinone and Glutathione. These are very harsh products and trust you me you will live your life swallowing these tablets, injecting yourself or applying the mixture every now and then. Why all the hustle? Why would you want to become a slave of your own body? Why drive all the attention to destroying your own God given beauty? Don't we all know black is beauty?

Altogether,I strongly believe that the society has played a big role in promoting bleaching.For instance, I happened to talk to few people who have bleached. One of them said it's because she felt she was not beautiful in her skin tone.

She failed a job interview since the interviewer wanted only light skin ladies. How thick headed could that interviewer be? The other one said her goal was to get rich as soon as soon. She got the advice from one of her friends who told her for her to make it in life she must have a light skin tone (Rangi ya thao).How sad is that? I’m in a WhatsApp group and almost every week I must see this kind of message "am looking for a light skin" and the dark skin ladies will go like "at this rate we might end up bleaching ourselves because? dark skin is no longer appreciated in this world". So imagine how her mind is racing whether to bleach or not.....sad indeed.

I always end up asking myself, is there anyone who sent an application form to God asking for dark skin? Why can't we love and appreciate each other as brothers and sisters regardless of our complexion?

Here's the truth, studies shows that there is no proof on skin bleaching. Whatever you do with your skin, just know there is no product out there that has been proved to be the best. Do it at your own risk. If God gave you a dark skin step out and rock it - you are beautiful the way you are. White or dark we are all wonderfully made. Our very own Lupita Nyongo made it to the Oscars and now the whole world knows her.

She has a dark complexion and she rocks it proudly. Isn’t she beautiful? So to all the individuals out there, love your skin .All you need to do is to visit a Skincare Dermatologist who will advise you on the best products which will match your skin tone. Be consistent with your products, follow the routine every morning and evening and trust me you will have a beautiful, glowing healthy skin.